About me

Welcome! I am happy to announce that I will work as a Neuroimaging Data Analyst KTP Associate employed by University of Kent (School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science) and Innovision IP Limited from October 2023. Prior to that, I used to be a Research Officer supervised by Professor Piotr Fryzlewicz on the change-point detection in the Department of Statistics at London School of Economics and Political Sciences.

I completed my Ph.D. study in Statistics at University of Kent in September 2021. My Ph.D. supervisor is Professor Jian Zhang. I earned my Master degree in Statistics at Yunnan University. I was a student of Professor Niansheng Tang.

My main research interest lies in

  • Change-point Detection and Machine Learning
  • Nonparametric Inference in High-dimensional Statistics
  • Neuroscience (MEG/EEG Source Imaging)