
A list of all the posts and pages found on the site. For you robots out there is an XML version available for digesting as well.




Confidence interval construction for the difference between two correlated proportions with missing observations

Niansheng Tang, Hui-Qiong Li, Man-Lai Tang and Jie Li (2015). Confidence interval construction for the difference between two correlated proportions with missing observations. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics ,26:2, 323-338. DOI:10.1080/10543406.2014.1000544.

Factorized Estimation of High-Dimensional Nonparametric Covariance Models

Jian Zhang and Jie Li (2021). Factorized estimation of high-dimensional nonparametric covariance models. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics. DOI:10.1111/sjos.12529.

Statistical Inference for High-dimensional Nonparametric Models (PhD Thesis)

Jie Li (2021). Statistical Inference for High-dimensional Nonparametric Models. Kent Academic Repository. DOI:10.22024/UniKent/01.02.89925.

Automatic Change-Point Detection in Time Series via Deep Learning

Jie Li, Paul Fearnhead, Piotr Fryzlewicz and Tengyao Wang (2024). Automatic Change-Point Detection in Time Series via Deep Learning, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B (with discussion).

Authors’ reply to the Discussion of ‘Automatic Change-Point Detection in Time Series via Deep Learning’ at the Discussion Meeting on ‘Probabilistic and statistical aspects of machine learning’

Jie Li, Paul Fearnhead, Piotr Fryzlewicz and Tengyao Wang (2024). Authors’ reply to the Discussion of ‘Automatic Change-Point Detection in Time Series via Deep Learning’ at the Discussion Meeting on ‘Probabilistic and statistical aspects of machine learning’.

Bayesian Inference General Procedures for A Single-subject Test Study

Jie Li, Gary Green, Sarah J. A. Carr, Peng Liu and Jian Zhang (2024). Bayesian Inference General Procedures for A Single-subject Test Study. arXiv:2408.15419

